

Regina glanced over the headline of the morning newspaper. Screaming, bold, headlines informed her of the tragedy du jour. ‘Rape Victim overcomes Deadly Rapist.’

            She sighed and tossed the paper across the table, mumbling. “Terrible news reporting - no names, no details, only thing that matters is to get it out as fast as possible. No pride in quality anymore.” She sighed. “Besides, if she’s still alive, then he’s not deadly. Inaccurate headlines to get people to read their filth.” Her elongated, manicured fingers reached for the orange juice.

            It wouldn’t be the first time a plucky woman got the better of her rapist. Regina had little to no interest in the details. Sex was her everyday business; she knew men had a taste for forced sex. Even some women did. Occasionally, it got out of hand. And with billions of people alive, it doesn’t matter if someone dies now and then. People die every day from far more idiotic practices than rough sex.

            A steady beeping of her phone told her she had a business-related call. Only her private calls had personalized music announcing them. She checked the caller ID. Her forehead wrinkled; now what? “Dr. Geist.”

He cleared his throat. “Mrs. Praeda. You picked up fast, I didn’t even hear it ring.” He rambled. Regina sighed. It was all he needed to get to the point. “The coroner completed his examination. DNA results came back. The bodies belonged to two hikers that went missing two years ago. If you’d like, I can have the coroner send you the report.”

Regina stared at the newspaper, only barely having heard what Dr. Geist said. A sudden, cold breeze had her shiver. What if Steve is right and Mark is still up to his old habits? What if, one day, it’ll be Mark that gets killed? She shook off the notion, realizing she was still on the phone.

Regina exhaled. “Get a copy of the report for our records, I’ll look at it next time I’m at the Caves. Clean up the area and allow the University back in for studies.”

“Yes. I’ll send you my next quarterly report via email, as always.” Dr. Geist paused and Regina knew he considered rambling on with pleasantries. She curtly cut him off and ended the call before he could get in another word.

She reached across the table and put her laptop over the newspaper. The annoying headline disappeared. See, gone, just like that. Steve can now stop looking into this whole thing, we have no connection with the bodies. She called her partner to give him the good news.

He answered after the first ring. “Are you at the hotel?”

“Yes. Dr. Geist called a minute ago.” Regina filled him in on the details.

“Hm.” Steve sighed. “That’s one problem down. But we have another business venture that’s about to fail massively. I’ll text you an address in St. Paul and I need you to be there in an hour. Take the usual precautions.” He hung up. Regina leaned back into her chair. Steve’s use of their business lingo meant only one thing. She had to get one of the burner phones and plenty of cash out of the hotel safe.


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